CA Ins Code Section 11752.7


A licensed rating organization may make available experience rating information contained in its records to any insurer admitted to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state or to any insurance agent or broker that is licensed to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state, if the insurer, agent, or broker submits a written request to the licensed rating organization stating all of the following:


The requesting insurer is admitted to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state or that the requesting agent or broker is licensed to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state.


The information requested.


The information requested will be used to facilitate the transaction of workers’ compensation insurance by the insurer, agent, or broker.


The information received will not be released by the agent or broker to others, except to facilitate the transaction of workers’ compensation insurance by the requesting agent or broker.


The licensed rating organization may, but shall not be required to, verify that an insurer requesting information under this section is admitted to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state or that an insurance agent or broker requesting information under this section is licensed to transact workers’ compensation insurance in this state.


For purposes of this section:


“Experience rating information” means information released on microfiche, at an Internet Web site or other electronic format, or in other forms or media by a licensed rating organization that identifies all experience-rated employers, and the experience ratings and classifications or experience modifications that apply or applied to those employers.


“Transaction,” as applied to workers’ compensation insurance, includes any of the following:




Negotiations preliminary to execution of a contract of insurance.


Execution of a contract of insurance.


Resolution of matters arising out of the contract and subsequent to its execution.


Experience rating information made available pursuant to this section shall be confidential and shall not be used for any purpose other than to facilitate the transaction of workers’ compensation insurance by the insurer, agent, or broker receiving the information pursuant to this section.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including this section, a licensed rating organization may not enter into a contract or other agreement, including its constitution, articles of incorporation, or bylaws that prohibits information services companies in the business of publishing or providing experience rating information immediately prior to September 15, 1989, from continuing on or after September 15, 1989, to receive and provide to others experience rating information from whatever sources and in whatever forms or media.


No licensed rating organization, member of a licensed rating organization, member of a committee of a licensed rating organization when acting in its capacity as a member of the committee, or officer or employee of a licensed rating organization when acting within the scope of his or her employment, shall be liable to any person for injury, personal or otherwise, or damages caused or alleged to have been caused, either directly or indirectly, by the disclosure of information pursuant to this section, or to the members of those organizations, or for the accuracy or completeness of the information disclosed.


This section shall not be construed as implying the existence of liability in circumstances not defined in this section, nor as implying a legislative recognition that, except for the enactment of this section, a liability has existed or would exist in the circumstances stated in this section.


This section shall not be construed as limiting any authority of a licensed rating organization to disclose information contained in its records to others.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 11752.7’s source at ca​.gov