CA Ins Code Section 11133

In addition to the annual report required by Section 11131, each society shall annually, on or before the first day of March, file with the commissioner a valuation of its certificates in force on December 31st last preceding: Provided, the commissioner may, in his discretion for cause shown, extend the time for filing such valuation for not more than two calendar months. Such report of valuation shall show, as reserve liabilities, the difference between the present mid-year value of the promised benefits provided in the certificates of such society in force and the present mid-year value of the future net rates as the same are in practice actually collected, not including therein any value for the right to make extra assessments and not including any amount by which the present mid-year value of future net contributions exceeds the present mid-year value of promised benefits on individual certificates. At the option of any society, in lieu of the above, the valuation may show the net tabular value which, in the case of monthly contributions, may be the means of the terminal reserve values for the end of the preceding and of the current certificate years. Such net tabular value as to certificates issued prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto as of the date of issuance thereof and as to certificates issued on or after said date shall be not less than the reserves determined according to the commissioners’ reserve valuation method as hereinafter defined. If the rate or payment (by whatever name known) charged is less than the tabular net rate according to the basis of the valuation used, an additional reserve equal to the present value of the deficiency in such rates shall be set up and maintained as a liability.

Source: Section 11133, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

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