CA Ins Code Section 11066

After the effective date of the amendments to this section made during the 1995–96 Regular Session of the Legislature, no life insurance benefit certificate may be delivered or issued for delivery in this state unless a copy of the form, the application therefor, and any attached endorsements or riders have been filed with the commissioner in the same manner as policies, contracts, or certificates of life insurance issued by stock or mutual insurers. The certificate shall have a title clearly and correctly describing its form on the face and filing back and shall contain in substance the standard provisions listed below. However, the commissioner may approve any form that in his or her opinion contains provisions relating to any one or more of the following requirements that are more favorable to insured members than the one or ones required here.


A provision stating the amount of premiums that are payable under the certificate, and a provision that the certificate holder shall be obligated to pay, as a condition of the continuance in force of the certificate, additional premiums imposed in accordance with the constitution or laws of the society then in force or thereafter lawfully enacted.


A provision that the certificate holder is entitled to a grace of not less than a full month (or 30 days at the option of the society) in which the payment of any premium, after the first, may be made, and that during the grace period, the certificate shall continue in full force. However, the certificate may provide that in case a loss occurs during the grace period before the overdue premium is paid, the amount of the overdue premium or premiums may be deducted in any settlement under the certificate.


A provision that the certificate holder shall be entitled to have the certificate reinstated at any time within three years from the date of default in payment of premiums, unless the certificate has been completely terminated through the application of a nonforfeiture benefit, upon the production of evidence of insurability and good health satisfactory to the society and the payment of all overdue premiums and any other indebtedness to the society upon the certificate, together with interest on the premiums and indebtedness, if any, at a rate not exceeding 6 percent per annum compounded annually. However, a society may provide for a minimum interest payment of not exceeding ten cents ($0.10) for each month’s premium in arrears at the date of reinstatement, if the premiums do not exceed 12 in number.


A provision that, in the event of default in payment of any premium after three full years’ premiums have been paid, or after premiums for a lesser period have been paid if the contract so provides, the society will grant, upon proper request not later than 60 days after the due date of the premium in default, a nonforfeiture benefit on the plan stipulated in the certificate, effective as of the due date, of the value as specified in this chapter. This subdivision does not apply to pure endowment, annuity or reversionary annuity contracts, or term certificates of uniform amount, or renewal thereof, of 15 years or less expiring before age 66, for which uniform premiums are payable during the entire term of the certificate, or term certificates of decreasing amount on which the granting of a nonforfeiture benefit is not required in order to comply with the minimum values specified in this chapter.


A provision that one nonforfeiture benefit, as specified in the certificate, in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (d) above, shall become effective automatically unless the member elects another available nonforfeiture benefit or, if society makes available a cash surrender value, the cash surrender value, not later than 60 days after the due date of the premium in default.


A statement of the mortality table and rate of interest used in determining all nonforfeiture benefits and cash surrender values available under the certificate. After September 21, 1954, a brief general statement of the method used in calculating the benefits and values available under the certificate on any certificate anniversary beyond the last anniversary for which the benefits and values are consecutively shown in the certificate. The statement shall be accompanied by an explanation of the manner in which the benefits and values are altered by the existence of paid-up additions credited to the certificate or by any indebtedness to the society on the certificate.


A table showing in figures every nonforfeiture benefit and cash surrender value available under the certificate for each certificate anniversary either during the first 20 certificate years or during the term of the certificate, whichever is shorter, the benefits and values to be calculated upon the assumption that there are no dividends or paid-up additions credited to the certificate and that there is no indebtedness to the society on account of or secured by the certificate.


A provision that the certificate shall be incontestable after it has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period of two years from its date of issue except for nonpayment of premiums, risks limited or not assumed, violation of the provisions of the certificate relating to military, aviation, or naval service, or violation of the provisions relating to suspension or expulsion as substantially set forth in the certificate. At the option of the society, supplemental provisions relating to benefits in the event of temporary or permanent disability or hospitalization and provisions that grant additional insurance specifically against death by accident or accidental means, may also be excepted. The certificate shall be incontestable on the ground of suicide after it has been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period of two years from date of issue. The certificate may provide, as to statements made to procure reinstatement, that the society has the right to contest a reinstated certificate within a period of two years from date of reinstatement with the same exceptions as provided here.


A provision that if it shall be found at any time before final settlement under the certificate that the age or sex of the insured (or the age or sex of any other person, if considered in determining the premium) has been misstated, and the discrepancy and the premium payment involved have not been adjusted, the amount payable under the certificate shall be such as the premium would have purchased at the correct age and sex. However, if the correct age was not an insurable age under the society’s charter, constitution, or bylaws, only the premiums paid to the society, less any payments previously made to the member, shall be returned. Alternatively, at the option of the society, the amount payable under the certificate shall be that which the premiums would have purchased at the correct age and sex according to the society’s promulgated rates and any extension thereof based upon actuarial principles.


A provision or provisions that recite fully, or that set forth the substance of, all sections of the charter, constitution, laws, rules or regulations of the society, in force at the time of issuance of the certificate, the violation of which will result in the termination of, or in the reduction of, the benefit or benefits payable under the certificate. Any of the foregoing provisions or portions thereof not applicable by reason of the plan of insurance may, to the extent inapplicable, be omitted from the certificate. The word “premiums” as used in this section means premiums, rates, or other required contributions by whatever name known.

Source: Section 11066, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 11066’s source at