CA Ins Code Section 1024

Unless such claim is filed in the manner and within the time provided in section 1021, it shall not be entitled to filing or allowance, and no action may be maintained thereon. In the liquidation, pursuant to the provisions of this article, of any domestic insurer which has issued policies insuring the lives of persons, the commissioner shall, within thirty days after the last day set for the filing of claims, make a list of the persons who have not filed proofs of claim with him and to whom, according to the books of said insurer, there are amounts owing under such policies, and he shall set opposite the name of each person the amount so owing to such person. Each person whose name shall appear upon said list shall be deemed to have duly filed, prior to the last day set for the filing of claims, a claim for the amount set opposite his name on said list.

Source: Section 1024, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

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