CA Health & Safety Code Section 41804.5


Notwithstanding Section 41800, a district board may authorize, subject to the limitations in Section 41803 and this section, the use of open outdoor fires by a city or county to dispose of nonindustrial wood waste from trees, vines, and brush at disposal sites located above 1,500 feet elevation mean sea level anywhere in the state, or at any elevation in the area designated as the North Coast Air Basin by the state board pursuant to Section 39606.


Authorization for such burning, if granted, shall be in the form of permits issued by the district and by the fire protection agency having jurisdiction over the area in which the disposal site is located. The permits shall allow burning only on days during which agricultural burning is not prohibited by the state board pursuant to Section 41855.


No permit shall be issued until there is filed with the district a written statement by the owner of the land on which the disposal site is located, or his agent, or if some other person is lawfully in possession of such land, by such other person, approving the burning on such land by the city or county.


Prior to issuing a permit, the district may inspect the wood waste to be burned to verify that it is exclusively nonindustrial wood waste from trees, vines, and brush.


The state board shall approve the use of open outdoor fires at a designated disposal site to dispose of such wood waste if such an operation of the disposal site will not prevent the achievement and maintenance of ambient air quality standards. The approval shall be granted for a minimum of one year.


In seeking approval from the state board to use open outdoor fires at disposal sites throughout the county to dispose of such wood waste, a county may submit its plan for the disposal of such wood waste in the county by the use of open outdoor fires at the disposal sites.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 41804.5’s source at ca​.gov