CA Health & Safety Code Section 40718


Not later than January 1, 1990, the state board shall publish maps identifying those cities, counties, or portions thereof which have measured one or more violations of any state or federal ambient air quality standard. The state board shall produce at least one separate map for each pollutant.


A district may prepare the maps required under subdivision (a) for the area within its jurisdiction. If a district chooses to prepare maps, the district shall provide the maps to the state board for review not less than four months prior to the date when the state board is required to publish the maps, and pursuant to a schedule established by the state board for any subsequent maps.


The maps produced pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be based upon the most recent monitoring results, using the best technological capabilities and the best scientific judgment. The maps produced pursuant to subdivision (a) shall clearly identify portions of each district which have or have not measured one or more violations of any state or federal ambient air quality standard. The maps shall be representative of the actual air quality in each portion of the district.


The state board shall publish its criteria for preparing the maps pursuant to this section not later than January 31, 1989. To the extent applicable, the state board shall identify any criteria relating to meterological impact on monitored air quality data; reliability of monitored data; magnitude, frequency, and duration of periods when ambient air quality standards are exceeded; and the area within the district in which the standards are exceeded.


Any person may petition the state board to hold a public hearing on any proposed, adopted, amended, or revised map. If the petition is granted by the state board, the public hearing may be held at a regularly scheduled public hearing in Sacramento. Notice of the time and place of any hearing shall be given not less than 30 days prior to the hearing by publication in the district pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code. If a district includes portions of more than one county, the notice shall be published in each county not less than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall include a description of the map proposed to be adopted, amended, or repealed and a summary description of the effect of the proposal.


The state board shall review annually, and as appropriate revise, the maps required by this section, using the criteria developed pursuant to subdivision (c).


Nothing in this section is intended to prevent a district board from enacting and enforcing rules or regulations designed to prevent interference with or maintenance of state and federal air quality standards, or to prevent significant deterioration of air quality in any area of the district.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 40718’s source at ca​.gov