The territory of the Mare Island Redevelopment Project Area shall include all of Mare Island except for the following areas:(1)
All wetlands and dredge ponds, active or inactive.(2)
Subarea 12.(3)
The expanded golf course (Subarea 11).(4)
The recreation/open-space area (Subarea 13).(5)
The residential areas of Farragut and Coral Sea Villages (Subareas 6 and 8).(b)
As used in this section:(1)
“Subarea 6” means an area bounded on the east by Cedar Avenue and Oak Avenue; on the south by the Rifle Range (Area 7), and the Building 866 parking area; on the north by Third Street; and on the west by the wetlands.(2)
“Subarea 8” means an area bounded on the south by Club Drive; on the east by Suisun Avenue; and on the north and west by Mesa Road.(3)
“Subarea 11” means an area bounded on the west, east, and south by Regional Park; and on the north by Coral Sea Village, Young Drive, and Recreation Wall.(4)
“Subarea 12” means an area bounded on the south by Carquinez Strait; on the west by the wetlands and the dredge ponds; on the east by Mare Island Strait and Railroad Avenue; and on the north by the golf course, Young Drive, and Recreation Wall.(5)
“Subarea 13” means an area surrounded by other excluded areas (wetlands and dredge ponds).
Section 33492.93, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=33492.93.