Any redevelopment plan, or any amendment to an existing redevelopment plan adopted on or after July 1, 1993, that is subject to Section 33492.40, may utilize as the base year either the year it was adopted or the 1994–95 fiscal year, at the option of the adopting agency, as referenced by a duly adopted ordinance of the governing board. If the governing board adopts the 1994–95 fiscal year as the base year, that designation shall remain in effect only until the time that the county assessor certifies that assessed values for the redevelopment project area equal or exceed the assessed value in the initial base year. When that certification is made by the county assessor, the base year shall revert to the initial base year at the time of plan adoption.(b)
To the extent any adjustment in the base year pursuant to this section creates a negative fiscal impact on the state, the governing board shall, on or before the expiration of five years from the date of the adjustment of the base year pursuant to this section, remit to the Controller the total amount of increased aid to schools received from the state as a result of the adjustment in the base year as determined by the Department of Finance in consultation with the governing board.
Section 33492.43, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=33492.43.