Except as provided in Section 25395.99, the agency shall issue a certificate of completion upon determining that all response actions have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with an approved response plan.(b)
Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the agency shall issue a certificate of completion when a response action plan includes long-term obligations that have not been completed, including operation and maintenance requirements or monitoring, only if the agency makes all of the following determinations:(1)
All response actions, other than long-term operation and maintenance at the site, have been completed.(2)
The person has submitted an adequate long-term operation and maintenance plan and has demonstrated initial compliance.(c)
If the agency determines that long-term operation and maintenance is required at a site, the agency may, as a condition of issuing a certificate of completion, enter into an operation and maintenance agreement with the person that governs the long-term operation and maintenance activities and that provides for adequate financial assurance.
Section 25395.97, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=25395.97.