This article does not provide immunity from any of the following:(1)
Liability for bodily injury or wrongful death.(2)
A requirement imposed under Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section 25100), including, but not limited to, corrective action and closure and postclosure requirements.(3)
A criminal act.(4)
A permit violation.(5)
A contractual indemnity agreement between a purchaser and seller of real property.(6)
New releases, other than de minimis releases, of hazardous materials that are caused or contributed to by a bona fide ground tenant.(b)
This article does not limit the authority of an agency to conduct a response action that is necessary to protect public health and safety or the environment pursuant to an applicable statute.(c)
This article does not do either of the following:(1)
Limit a defense to liability that may be available to a person under any other provision of law.(2)
Impose a new obligation on a bona fide ground tenant other than those specifically assumed by the bona fide ground tenant under an agreement entered into pursuant to this article.
Section 25395.106, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=25395.106.