Except as provided in subdivision (b), on or after July 1, 2006, a person shall not sell, offer to sell, or distribute for promotional purposes in this state, any of the following new or refurbished mercury-added products:(1)
A barometer.(2)
An esophageal dilator, bougie tube, or gastrointestinal tube.(3)
A flow meter.(4)
A hydrometer.(5)
A hydrometer or psychometer.(6)
A manometer.(7)
A pyrometer.(8)
A sphygmanometer.(9)
A thermometer.(b)
Subdivision (a) does not apply to the sale of a mercury-added product if the use of the product is required under a federal law or federal contract specification or if the only mercury-added component in the product is a button cell battery.
Section 25214.8.3, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=25214.8.3.