CA Health & Safety Code Section 18045.8


Notwithstanding Section 18045.5, for an office at a dealer’s established place of business, the department may issue a temporary permit as provided in Section 18052.


When a dealer’s license applicant has satisfied all other requirements for a dealer’s license, as provided in this part and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, except for the office, and the applicant proposes to purchase a new manufactured home, mobilehome, or commercial coach for use as the required office, the temporary permit shall be canceled automatically if the dealer’s license applicant does not purchase a new manufactured home, mobilehome, or commercial coach and establish it as the required office, or otherwise establish a complying office, within 60 days of the temporary permit issuance date.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 18045.8’s source at ca​.gov