The medical director of the local EMS agency shall issue a certificate, except an EMT-P certificate, to an individual upon proof of satisfactory completion of an approved training program, passage of the certifying examination designated by the authority, completion of any other requirements for certification established by the authority, and a determination that the individual is not precluded from certification for any of the reasons listed in Section 1798.200. The certificate shall be proof of the individual’s initial competence to perform at the designated level.(b)
The medical director of the local EMS agency shall, at the interval specified by the authority, recertify an EMT-I or EMT-II upon proof of the individual’s satisfactory passage of the examination for recertification designated by the authority, completion of any continuing education or other requirements for recertification established by the authority, and a determination that the individual is not precluded from recertification because of any of the reasons listed in Section 1798.200.
Section 1797.210, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=1797.210.