CA Health & Safety Code Section 129125

In any case when the lender under a loan to a nonprofit corporation insured under this chapter shall have foreclosed and taken possession of the property under a mortgage in accordance with regulations of, and within a period to be determined by the office, or shall, with the consent of the office, have otherwise acquired the property from the borrower after default, the lender shall be entitled to receive the benefit of the insurance as provided in this section, upon (a) the prompt conveyance to the office of title to the property that meets the requirements of the regulations of the office in force at the time the loan was insured, and that is evidenced in the manner prescribed by the regulations, and (b) the assignment to the office of all claims of the lender against the borrower or others arising out of the loan transaction or foreclosure proceedings except claims that may have been released with the consent of the office. Upon the conveyance and assignment, the office shall notify the Treasurer, who shall issue to the lender debentures having a total face value equal to the outstanding value of the loan. For the purposes of this section, the outstanding value of the loan shall be determined, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the office, by (a) adding to the amounts of the original principal obligation of the loan and interest that are accrued and unpaid the amount of all payments that have been made by the lender for the following: taxes and assessments, ground rents, water rates, and other liens that are prior to the mortgage; charges for the administration, operation, maintenance and repair of the health facility property; insurance on the project property, loan insurance premiums, and any tax imposed by a city or county upon any deed or other instrument by which the property was acquired by the lender and transferred or conveyed to the office; and the costs of foreclosure or of acquiring the property by other means actually paid by the lender and approved by the office; and by (b) deducting from the total amount any amounts received by the lender after the borrower’s default on account of the loans or as rent or other income from the property.

Source: Section 129125, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 129125’s source at