The Medically Underserved Account for Physicians is hereby established within the Health Professions Education Fund. The primary purpose of this account is to provide funding for the ongoing operations of the Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program provided for under this article. This account also may be used to provide funding for the Physician Volunteer Program provided for under this article.
All moneys in the Medically Underserved Account contained within the Contingent Fund of the Medical Board of California shall be transferred to the Medically Underserved Account for Physicians on July 1, 2006.
Funds in the account shall be used to repay loans as follows per agreements made with physicians:
Funds paid out for loan repayment may have a funding match from foundations or other private sources.
Loan repayments may not exceed one hundred five thousand dollars ($105,000) per individual licensed physician.
Loan repayments may not exceed the amount of the educational loans incurred by the physician participant.
Notwithstanding Section 11105 of the Government Code, effective January 1, 2006, the foundation may seek and receive matching funds from foundations and private sources to be placed in the account. “Matching funds” shall not be construed to be limited to a dollar-for-dollar match of funds.
Funds placed in the account for purposes of this article, including funds received pursuant to subdivision (d), are, notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, continuously appropriated for the repayment of loans. This subdivision shall not apply to funds placed in the account pursuant to Section 1341.45.
The account shall also be used to pay for the cost of administering the program and for any other purpose authorized by this article. The costs for administration of the program may be up to 5 percent of the total state appropriation for the program and shall be subject to review and approval annually through the state budget process. This limitation shall only apply to the state appropriation for the program.
The office and the foundation shall manage the account established by this section prudently in accordance with the other provisions of law.
Section 128555,