CA Health & Safety Code Section 123322


In order to effectively manage and administer the federal and state requirements for the vendors in the WIC Program, and remain in compliance with the conditions of federal funding, the department shall establish requirements for all of the following:


Peer groups and a corresponding reimbursement system.


Criteria used for vendor authorization.


The WIC Program authorized foods.


Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, including the requirement in Section 123315 for enacting regulations to implement that section and Section 123310, the department may, without taking regulatory action pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, implement, interpret, or make specific this section by means of an action by bulletin or similar instruction. The department shall provide notice to, and consult with, affected stakeholders, including vendors, manufacturers, local agencies, participants, advocates, consumer groups, and their respective associations, in the process of implementing, interpreting, or making specific this statute, and meet all of the following requirements:


The notice shall be provided electronically to the stakeholders identified in this subdivision and shall also be posted on the program’s Internet Web site. The notice shall state the reason for the change, the authority for the change, and the nature of the change. The notice shall provide opportunity for written comment by indicating the address to which to send the comment. The address may be an electronic site. The notice shall allow for at least 20 calendar days for comments to be submitted. The notice shall also provide the date of a consultation meeting with a stakeholder workgroup consisting of, but not limited to, representatives of stakeholder associations, stakeholder representatives, and consumer groups, to ensure stakeholder participation in the implementation of this section.


The department shall consider all comments submitted before the due date, though it may withdraw the proposed action at any time by notification on its Internet Web site or notification by electronic means. Unless the department withdraws the action, it shall publish the final action on its Internet Web site no later than 120 days after the consultation with stakeholders or the last day for comments, whichever is later. If the department fails to issue a final action within 120 days from the consultation with stakeholders or the last day for comments, whichever is later, the proposed action will be deemed withdrawn. The department may finalize a proposed action that has been withdrawn by renoticing the proposed action for comment pursuant to paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive.


The department shall provide at least 30 days’ advance notice of the final action. In the final action, the department shall respond to the comments received.


The department shall establish a process to collect stakeholder feedback regarding the impact of the final action and any policy adjustments that should be considered postimplementation.

Source: Section 123322, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 123322’s source at