CA Health & Safety Code Section 119317

A practitioner may, in the local jurisdiction of registration, practice in a temporary demonstration booth for no more than seven days in a 90-day period. The demonstration booth shall meet all of the following requirements:


Be located within a building that has hand washing facilities with hot and cold running water, soap, and single-use paper towels to which practitioners have direct access.


Constructed with a partition of at least three feet in height separating the procedure area from the public.


Have floor space of at least 50 square feet for each practitioner.


Be free of insect or rodent infestation.


Used exclusively for performing body art.


Equipped with adequate light available at the level where the practitioner is performing body art.


(1)For temporary body art events consisting of one demonstration booth, the booth shall be equipped with hand washing equipment that, at a minimum, consists of containerized liquid soap, single-use paper towels, a five-gallon or larger container of potable water accessible via spigot, and a wastewater collection and holding tank of corresponding size. Potable water shall be refilled and the holding tank evacuated frequently to provide uninterrupted use, or as determined by the local enforcement agency.


For temporary body art events consisting of two or more demonstration booths, practitioner hand wash areas shall be provided throughout the event. The hand wash areas shall be located within a booth with partitions at least three feet in height separating the hand wash area from the public. The area shall be equipped with a commercial, self-contained hand wash station that consists of containerized liquid soap, single-use paper towels, a storage capacity of five gallons or more of potable water, and a trash receptacle. The sponsor shall provide one hand wash area for every two demonstration booths at the event.


Have smooth, cleanable flooring.


No food, drink, or tobacco products are permitted in the demonstration booth.


Not allow animals within the confines of the demonstration booth.


Be operating with all necessary permits to conduct business. In addition to the penalties available pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 119320), a sponsor or practitioner who violates this subdivision shall be subject to closure of the temporary body art event or a penalty not to exceed three times the cost of the permit or both closure and the penalty.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 119317’s source at ca​.gov