If the department grants a variance, or if an HACCP plan is required pursuant to Section 114419, the permitholder shall do both of the following:
Comply with the HACCP plan and procedures that are submitted as specified in Sections 114419.1 and 114419.2 and approved as a condition for the granting of the variance.(b)
Maintain and provide to the enforcement agency, upon request, records specified under a HACCP plan, or otherwise pursuant to the variance letter, that demonstrate that the following are routinely employed:(1)
Procedures for monitoring critical control points.(2)
Monitoring of the critical control points.(3)
Verification of the effectiveness of an operation or process.(4)
Necessary corrective actions if there is a failure at a critical control point.
Section 114417.6, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=HSC§ionNum=114417.6.