CA Health & Safety Code Section 103590


The State Registrar shall, upon request and payment of a fee, as provided in subdivision (c), supply to any applicant a decorative heirloom certificate, as described in subdivision (b), of any birth registered with that official. When the original form of the certificate of a live birth furnished by the State Registrar contains a printed section at the bottom containing medical and social data or labeled “Confidential Information for Public Health Use Only,” that section shall not be reproduced in the copy of the record. If the original form of the certificate of live birth has been sealed, the information on the sealed certificate shall not be included on the decorative heirloom certificate.


The decorative heirloom certificate issued under subdivision (a) shall be of a distinctive design as determined by the department and shall include the seal of the State of California and a facsimile of the State Registrar’s signature, but shall include no elected official’s signature. The certificate shall only contain identification information, as determined by the State Registrar.


The fee required for the decorative heirloom birth certificate issued pursuant to this section shall be thirty-two dollars ($32) until December 31, 1988, at which time the fee shall be reduced to thirty dollars ($30). Until December 31, 1988, not less than ten dollars ($10) of the fee shall be allocated to the State Children’s Trust Fund established in Section 18969 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. After December 31, 1988, not less than fifteen dollars ($15) of the fee shall be allocated to the State Children’s Trust Fund. The remainder of the fee shall be utilized to reimburse the State Department of Health Services and the State Registrar, in part, for the administrative costs of developing, preparing, and providing the decorative heirloom certificate.

Source: Section 103590, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 103590’s source at