CA Health & Safety Code Section 100847


The period of accreditation for NELAP accredited laboratories shall be 12 months. An application for renewal shall be filed with the department prior to the expiration date of the accreditation. Failure to make timely application for renewal shall result in expiration of the accreditation.


The accrediting authority shall be notified in writing within 30 calendar days of the sale or other transfer of ownership of a NELAP accredited laboratory.


The accrediting authority shall be notified in writing within 30 calendar days of the change in location of a NELAP accredited laboratory, other than a mobile laboratory.


The accrediting authority shall be notified within 30 calendar days whenever there is a change of laboratory director, or other individual in charge of the laboratory.


NELAP accredited laboratories shall conspicuously display their most recent NELAP accreditation certificate or their accreditation fields of testing, or both, in a permanent place in their laboratory.


NELAP accredited laboratories shall not use their NELAP accreditation document or their accreditation status to imply any endorsement by the accrediting authority.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 100847’s source at ca​.gov