CA Gov't Code Section 98010

Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit the ability of a federally recognized Indian tribe to request that a Tribal-State compact be negotiated with the state on terms that are different from those set forth in the Gaming Compact under this chapter, or the ability of the state to engage in those negotiations and to reach agreement under IGRA. Nothing in this chapter may be construed to mean that, in offering the Gaming Compact to Indian tribes in California under Section 98004, and, except for assessments by the state as provided therein of such amounts as are necessary to defray its costs of regulating activities as provided under the Gaming Compact, (a) the state is imposing any tax, fee, charge, or other assessment upon an Indian tribe or upon any other person or entity authorized by an Indian tribe as a condition to engaging in a class III activity, or (b) the state is refusing to enter into Tribal-State compact negotiations based upon the lack of authority of the state, or of any political subdivision of the state, to impose such a tax, fee, charge, or other assessment.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 98010’s source at