CA Gov't Code Section 95022

The statewide system of early intervention shall be administered by the State Department of Developmental Services in collaboration with the State Department of Education and with the advice and assistance of an interagency coordinating council established pursuant to federal regulations and shall include all of the following mandatory components:


A central directory that includes information about early intervention services, resources, and experts available in the state, professionals and other groups providing services to eligible infants and toddlers, and research and demonstration projects being conducted in the state. The central directory shall specify the nature and scope of the services available and the telephone number and address for each of the sources listed in the directory.


A public awareness program focusing on early identification of eligible infants and toddlers and the dissemination of information about the purpose and scope of the system of early intervention services and how to access evaluation and other early intervention services.


Personnel standards that ensure that personnel are appropriately and adequately prepared and trained.


A comprehensive system of personnel development that provides training for personnel including, but not limited to, public and private providers, primary referral sources, paraprofessionals, and persons who will serve as service coordinators. The training shall specifically address at least all of the following:


Understanding the early intervention services system, including the family service plan process.


Meeting the interrelated social, emotional, and health needs of eligible infants and toddlers.


Assisting families in meeting the special developmental needs of the infant or toddler, assisting professionals to utilize best practices in family focused early intervention services and promoting family professional collaboration.


Reflecting the unique needs of local communities and promoting culturally competent service delivery.


A comprehensive child-find system, including policies and procedures that ensure that all infants and toddlers who may be eligible for services under this title are identified, located, and evaluated, that services are coordinated between participating agencies, and that infants and toddlers are referred to the appropriate agency.


A surrogate parent program established pursuant to Section 303.406 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations to be used by regional centers and local education agencies.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 95022’s source at