CA Gov't Code Section 91533

Authorities shall undertake projects by entry into project agreements in substance not inconsistent with the following:


The company shall comply with (or cause to be complied with) all legal requirements relating to the project and the operation, repair, and maintenance of the facilities, including (1) obtaining any rezonings or variances, building, development, and other permits and approvals, and licenses and other entitlements for use, without regard to any exemption for public projects and (2) securing the issuance of any certificates of need, convenience, and necessity or other certificates or franchises; and shall provide satisfactory evidence of compliance.


The company shall comply with all conditions imposed by the public agency in its approval of the project pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 91530.


The company shall provide, or cause to be provided by others, all amounts required for the project and all property relating to the project that are not to be provided as or by expenditure of bond proceeds, and in the case of any amounts and property that the company proposes to cause to be provided by others, as by contract, grant, subsidy, loan, or other form of assistance, shall provide satisfactory evidence that those amounts and property will be provided when required.


Expenditure of bond proceeds shall be supervised to assure proper application to the project.


The company shall at its own expense insure, repair, and maintain the facilities, pay taxes with respect to its interests in the property relating to the project as Part 1 (commencing with Section 101) of Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code requires, and pay assessments and other public charges secured by liens, upon those interests as constitute the tax base for property taxation on the same basis as other property, or shall cause the same to be provided by others to the satisfaction of the authority.


The amounts payable pursuant to the project agreements to or for the benefit of an authority shall in the aggregate not be less than amounts sufficient (1) to pay any bonds that shall be issued by the authority to pay the cost of the project, (2) to maintain any required reserves, (3) to make payments as may be required into any sinking fund or other similar fund, and (4) to pay those administration expenses that relate to the administration of the project agreements, the indenture, and the bonds.


The term shall extend at least until the date on which all those bonds and all other obligations incurred by an authority in connection with a project shall have been paid in full or adequate funds for that payment shall have been otherwise provided.


The additional provisions as in the determination of the board are necessary or appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this article, including provisions for the following:


For payments pursuant to the project agreements that include amounts for administration expenses in addition to the amounts that the agreement is required to obligate the company or others to pay.


For payment before a facility exists or becomes functional, or after a facility has ceased to exist or be functional to any extent and from any cause.


For payment whether or not the company is in possession or is entitled to be in possession of the facilities or for payment in the event of sale or other transfer of ownership of or the encumbering of the facilities.


Relating to the carrying out and completion of the project, including the allocation of responsibility between the authority and the company regarding the payment of administrative expenses and costs of issuance, the acquisition of property, the making of other purchases, the contracting for construction of the facilities, with or without competitive bidding, and the payment therefor and the designation of particular deposits or investments otherwise authorized for the deposit, investment, and reinvestment of revenues.


That some or all of the obligations of a company shall be unconditional and shall be binding and enforceable in all circumstances whatsoever notwithstanding any other law.


Relating to the use, maintenance, repair, insurance, and replacement of property relating to the project, such as the authority and the company deem necessary for the protection of themselves or others, including, but not limited to, liability insurance, and indemnification in the event of default.


Defining events of default and providing remedies therefor, which may include an acceleration of future payments thereunder.


The company shall provide for the payment of relocation assistance as provided by Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 7260) of Division 7 of Title 1, and shall reimburse the authority or the public agency, as the case may be, for relocation assistance services, and notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the authority shall determine that those services are provided and that relocation assistance payments are made.


Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, projects undertaken and carried out pursuant to this title shall be consistent with the requirements of the general plan as contained in Article 5 (commencing with Section 65300) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 at the time of entry into the project agreement, or in the event inconsistent at that time, then at the time of delivery of any bonds.


The company may, pursuant to project agreements, provide or cause to be provided other security, such as, but not limited to, an agreement of guaranty, either of itself or another person, or other consideration directly to the bondholders, their agent or the trustee under an indenture, and neither the company nor any such other person shall be precluded by the project agreements from having other contractual relationships with those bondholders or that agent or trustee.


Authorities shall require, whether or not authorities, companies, or others are the contract-awarding bodies, that on any construction, improvement, reconstruction, or rehabilitation financed in whole or in part by means of bonds issued pursuant to this title, the resolution of intention for which is adopted on or after January 1, 1983, all workers employed in that work, exclusive of maintenance work, shall be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. Those rates shall be determined by the Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1773 of the Labor Code. The director’s determination shall be final, and Sections 1773.1, 1773.5, 1774, and 1776 (excepting subdivision (f) of Section 1776) of the Labor Code shall apply.

Source: Section 91533, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 91533’s source at