CA Gov't Code Section 91527

Authorities shall have all powers necessary or appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this title including, without limitation, the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto:


To acquire property by purchase, exchange, gift, lease, contract, or otherwise, except by eminent domain. The power to acquire real property shall not be exercised for other than authority use except pursuant to project agreement or indenture.


To maintain property.


To dispose of property by lease, sale, exchange, donation, release, relinquishment, or otherwise.


With respect to property, to: (1) charge and collect rent under any lease; (2) sell at public or private sale, with or without public notice; (3) sell at a discount or below appraised value or for a nominal consideration, only; (4) sell on an installment payment or a conditional sales basis; (5) convey, or provide for the transfer of, property without further act of the authority, upon exercise of an option; (6) sell at a fixed or formula price, and receive for any such sale the note or notes of a company and mortgages, deeds of trust, or other security agreements respecting the property.


To acquire and hold property, including funds, project agreements and other obligations of any kind, and pledge, encumber or assign the same, or the revenues therefrom or any portion of such revenues, or other rights, whether then owned or possessed, or thereafter acquired, for the benefit of the bondholders, and as security or additional security for any bonds or the performance of obligations under an indenture.


To provide for the advance of bond proceeds and other funds pursuant to project agreements as necessary to pay or reimburse for project costs.


To exercise all rights and to perform all obligations of the authority under the project agreements and indenture, including the right, upon any event of default by or the failure to comply with any of the obligations thereof by the lessee, purchaser, or other company thereunder, to dispose of all or part of the property to the extent authorized by the project agreements or indenture.


To borrow money and issue its bonds for the purpose of paying all or any part of the costs of a project, and for any other authorized purpose, as provided in this title.


To contract and pay compensation for professional, financial, and other services.


To refund outstanding bonds of the authority without regard to the purposes of this title when the board determines that the refunding will be of benefit to a company or holders of the bonds, subject to the provisions of the proceedings.


To invest, deposit, and reinvest funds under the control of an authority and bond proceeds in the types of securities or obligations authorized, pending application thereof to the purposes authorized by, subject to the provisions of, the proceedings.


To acquire insurance against any liability or loss in connection with property, in such amounts as it deems desirable.


To expressly waive any immunity of the political subdivisions of this state provided by the Constitution or laws of the United States of America to taxation by the United States of interest on bonds issued by an authority, in obtaining federal benefits.


To fund administration and cost of issuance expenses (1) by the establishment and collection of reasonable fees in amounts as may be determined by the board, but in no event shall the fees exceed 1 percent of the estimated maximum amount of bonds proposed by an application to be issued, (2) by the acceptance of funds and other aid from the public agency and from other governmental sources authorized to provide such funds or aid, (3) by the acceptance of contributions from business, trade, labor, community, and other associations, and (4) by other authorized means.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 91527’s source at