CA Gov't Code Section 91504

Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this article shall govern the construction of this title, as follows:


“Acquire” and its variants means acquire, construct, improve, furnish, equip, repair, reconstruct, or rehabilitate.


“Administration expenses” means the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by an authority in the administration of this title, including, without limitation, fees and costs of paying agents, trustees, attorneys, consultants, and others.


“Authority” means any industrial development authority established pursuant to this title.


“Board” means the board of directors of an authority.


“Bonds” means the revenue obligations, inclusive of principal (premium, if any) and interest authorized to be issued by any authority pursuant to this title, including a single bond, a promissory note or notes, including bond anticipation notes, or other instruments evidencing an indebtedness or obligation.


“Bond proceeds” means all amounts received by an authority upon sale or other disposition of any bonds.


“Commission” means the California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission established pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 91550).


“Company” means a person, partnership, corporation, whether for profit or not, limited liability company, trust, or other private enterprise of whatever legal form, for which a project is undertaken or proposed to be undertaken pursuant to this title or which is in possession of property owned by an authority, and may include more than a single enterprise.


“Cost” as applied to any project, may embrace:


The cost of construction, improvement, repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.


The cost of acquisition, including rights in land and other property, both real and personal and improved and unimproved, and franchises, and disposal rights.


The cost of demolishing, removing, or relocating any building or structures on lands so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any lands to which the buildings or structures may be moved or relocated.


The cost of machinery, equipment and furnishings, of engineering and architectural surveys, plans, and specifications, and of transportation and storage until the facility is operational.


The cost of agents or consultants, including, without limitation, legal, financial, engineering, accounting, and auditing, necessary or incident to a project and of the determination as to the feasibility or practicability of undertaking the project.


The cost of issuance of any bonds and of financing, interest prior to, during, and for a reasonable period after completion of a project, and reserves for principal and interest and for extensions, enlargements, additions, repairs, replacements, renovations, rehabilitations, and improvements.


The cost of acquiring or refinancing existing obligations incident to the undertaking and carrying out, including the financing, of a project, and the reimbursement to any governmental entity or agency, or any company, of expenditures made by or on behalf of the entity, agency, or company that are costs of the project hereunder, without regard to whether or not the expenditures may have been made before or after the adoption of a resolution of intention with respect to that project by an authority.


The cost of making relocation assistance payments as provided by Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 7260) of Division 7 of Title 1.


In the case only of taxable bonds, the cost of refunding or refinancing any outstanding debt or obligations with respect to any facilities, or the cost of any other working capital.


Except as provided in paragraph (9), “cost” does not otherwise include working capital.


“Facilities” mean property suitable for any one or more of the activities or uses described in Section 91503 and includes incidental facilities.


“Governing body” means the board of supervisors, city council, or board of directors of a redevelopment agency, as the case may be.


“Indenture” means any mortgage, deed of trust, trust indenture, security agreement, or other instrument relating to establishing a lien or security interest in, or on, property, any pledge or other instrument relating to the possession of property, and any assignment or other instrument relating to establishing any right, title, or interest in, or related to, property, including the revenues therefrom, given by an authority to a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state, or bondholder or agent, for the security of its bonds and the benefit of the bondholders.


“Proceedings” means the actions taken by an authority in undertaking, carrying out, and completing a project, including, without limitation, the project agreements, indenture, bonds, and resolutions.


“Project” means the acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of facilities and the acquisition and rehabilitation of machinery, equipment, and furnishings, and the acquisition of engineering and architectural surveys, plans, and specifications, and all other necessary and related capital expenditures by the issuance of bonds upon the application of and to be repaid by payments from a company for the purposes of this title.


“Project agreements” means the agreements between an authority and a company respecting a project, and may include, without limitation, leases, subleases, options, and installment or other contracts of purchase or sale, loan, or guaranty agreements, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, and security agreements.


“Property” means any land, air rights, water rights, disposal rights, improvements, buildings or other structures, and any personal property, tangible or intangible, and includes, but is not limited to, machinery and equipment, whether or not in existence or under construction, and interests in any of the foregoing, or promissory notes or other obligations of any kind respecting such interests.


“Public agency” means any county, city and county, city, or redevelopment agency.


“Revenues” means all rents, purchase payments, and other income derived by an authority from, or with respect to, the sale, lease, or other voluntary or involuntary disposition of, or repayment of loans with respect to, property, bond proceeds, and any receipts derived from the deposit or investment of any such income or proceeds in any fund or account of an authority, but does not include receipts designated to cover administration expenses.


“Tax-exempt” means, with respect to any bonds, that the interest on the bonds is excluded from gross income of the holders thereof for federal income tax purposes.


“Taxable” means, with respect to any bonds, that the bonds are not tax-exempt.

Source: Section 91504, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 91504’s source at