CA Gov't Code Section 86116

Every person described in Section 86115 shall file periodic reports containing the following information:


The name, business address, and telephone number of the lobbyist employer or other person filing the report.


The total amount of payments to each lobbying firm.


The total amount of all payments to lobbyists employed by the filer.


A description of the specific lobbying interests of the filer.


A periodic report completed and verified by each lobbyist employed by a lobbyist employer pursuant to Section 86113.


Each activity expense of the filer. A total of all activity expenses of the filer shall be included.


The date, amount, and the name of the recipient of any contribution of one hundred dollars ($100) or more made by the filer to an elected state officer, a state candidate, or a committee controlled by an elected state officer or state candidate, or a committee primarily formed to support the officer or candidate. If this contribution is reported by the filer or by a committee sponsored by the filer in a campaign statement filed pursuant to Chapter 4 which is required to be filed with the Secretary of State, the filer may report only the name of the committee, and the identification number of the committee.


(1)Except as set forth in paragraph (2), the total of all other payments to influence legislative or administrative action including overhead expenses and all payments to employees who spend 10 percent or more of their compensated time in any one month in activities related to influencing legislative or administrative action.


A filer that makes payments to influence a ratemaking or quasi-legislative proceeding before the Public Utilities Commission, as defined in subdivision (b) or (c), respectively, of Section 82002, may, in lieu of reporting those payments pursuant to paragraph (1), report only the portion of those payments made to or for the filer’s attorneys for time spent appearing as counsel and preparing to appear as counsel, or to or for the filer’s witnesses for time spent testifying and preparing to testify, in this type of Public Utilities Commission proceeding. This alternative reporting of these payments made during a calendar month is not required to include payments made to an attorney or witness who is an employee of the filer if less than 10 percent of his or her compensated time in that month was spent in appearing, testifying, or preparing to appear or testify before the Public Utilities Commission in a ratemaking or quasi-legislative proceeding. For the purposes of this paragraph, time spent preparing to appear or preparing to testify does not include time spent preparing written testimony.


Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 86116’s source at