CA Gov't Code Section 86105

The registration of a lobbyist employer shall include:


The full name, business address, and telephone number of the lobbyist employer.


A list of the lobbyists who are employed by the lobbyist employer.


The lobbyist certification of each lobbyist employed by the lobbyist employer.


Information sufficient to identify the nature and interests of the filer, including:


If the filer is an individual, the name and address of the filer’s employer, if any, or his or her principal place of business if the filer is self-employed, and a description of the business activity in which the filer or his or her employer is engaged.


If the filer is a business entity, a description of the business activity in which it is engaged.


If the filer is an industry, trade, or professional association, a description of the industry, trade, or profession which it represents including a specific description of any portion or faction of the industry, trade, or profession which the association exclusively or primarily represents and, if the association has not more than 50 members, the names of the members.


If the filer is not an individual, business entity, or industry, trade, or professional association, a statement of the person’s nature and purposes, including a description of any industry, trade, profession, or other group with a common economic interest which the person principally represents or from which its membership or financial support is principally derived.


The lobbying interests of the lobbyist employer, and a list of the state agencies whose legislative or administrative actions the lobbyist employer will attempt to influence.


Any other information required by the commission consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

Source: Section 86105, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 86105’s source at