CA Gov't Code Section 85401


Each candidate for elective state office shall file a statement of acceptance or rejection of the voluntary expenditure limits set forth in Section 85400 at the time he or she files the statement of intention specified in Section 85200.


A candidate may, until the deadline for filing nomination papers set forth in Section 8020 of the Elections Code, change his or her statement of acceptance or rejection of voluntary expenditure limits provided he or she has not exceeded the voluntary expenditure limits. A candidate may not change his or her statement of acceptance or rejection of voluntary expenditure limits more than twice after the candidate’s initial filing of the statement of intention for that election and office.


Any candidate for elective state office who declined to accept the voluntary expenditure limits but who nevertheless does not exceed the limits in the primary, special primary, or special election, may file a statement of acceptance of the expenditure limits for a general or special runoff election within 14 days following the primary, special primary, or special election.


Notwithstanding Section 81004.5 or any other provision of this title, a candidate may not change his or her statement of acceptance or rejection of voluntary expenditure limits other than as provided for by this section and Section 85402.

Source: Section 85401, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 85401’s source at