CA Gov't Code Section 85303


A person may not make to any committee, other than a political party committee, and a committee other than a political party committee may not accept, any contribution totaling more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) per calendar year for the purpose of making contributions to candidates for elective state office.


A person may not make to any political party committee, and a political party committee may not accept, any contribution totaling more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per calendar year for the purpose of making contributions for the support or defeat of candidates for elective state office. Notwithstanding Section 85312, this limit applies to contributions made to a political party used for the purpose of making expenditures at the behest of a candidate for elective state office for communications to party members related to the candidate’s candidacy for elective state office.


Except as provided in Section 85310, nothing in this chapter shall limit a person’s contributions to a committee or political party committee provided the contributions are used for purposes other than making contributions to candidates for elective state office.


Nothing in this chapter limits a candidate for elected state office from transferring contributions received by the candidate in excess of any amount necessary to defray the candidate’s expenses for election related activities or holding office to a political party committee, provided those transferred contributions are used for purposes consistent with paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 89519.

Source: Section 85303, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 85303’s source at