CA Gov't Code Section 8180

The following terms, used in this article, shall have the following meanings:


“Project area” includes both of the following:


The area within the City of Sacramento which is bounded on the north by “L” Street, on the south by “R” Street, excepting that portion lying between 11th and 12th Streets which southern boundary shall be the alley lying between “R” and “S” Streets, on the west by 7th Street, and on the east by 17th Street, excepting any portion of that area which is within the boundaries of a redevelopment project area adopted prior to April 1, 1979, by the City of Sacramento pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law. The streets bounding the project area are included therein, and this does not constitute a change in, but is declaratory of the existing law. Pursuant to an agreement between the authority and the City of Sacramento, the boundaries of the project area established by this section may be amended by a resolution adopted by the authority to include all or any portion of the blocks bounded on the west by 5th Street, on the north by “N” Street, on the east by 7th Street, and on the south by “P” Street, upon the effective date of an ordinance adopted by the City of Sacramento amending the boundaries of the city’s redevelopment project area to detach all or any portion of those blocks from the city’s redevelopment project area for the purpose of including that area within the project area established by this section. For the purposes of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 8183, the assessed value of the property detached from the city’s redevelopment project area and included within the project area established by this section shall be that portion of the assessed value of that property upon which taxes were allocated to the taxing agencies immediately prior to the effective date of the resolution and shall exclude that portion of the assessed value of that property upon which taxes were allocated to the city’s redevelopment agency. In the event that the project area is not amended as described in this section, the city’s redevelopment agency may satisfy any replacement housing obligations that result from the development of any portion of the blocks bounded on the west by 5th Street, on the north by “N” Street, on the east by 7th Street, and on the south by “P” Street within that portion of the project area agreed to by the authority and the City of Sacramento.


The area within the City of Sacramento which is bounded on the north by “Q” Street, on the south by “S” Street, on the west by 17th Street, and on the east by the westerly edge of the current right-of-way for the rail lines running north and south between 19th and 20th Streets, and which is bounded on the north by “R” Street, excepting that portion lying between 11th and 12th Streets which northern boundary shall be the alley lying between “R” and “S” Streets, on the south by “S” Street, on the west by 10th Street, and on the east by 17th Street, inclusive of the streets therein, which portion of the project area is commonly known as the “R Street Area.”


“Redevelopment plan” means the Capitol Area Plan approved by the Director of General Services on March 15, 1977, and referred to in Section 8160, and the plan prepared pursuant to Section 8182.5, together with documents adopted pursuant to Section 8183.


“Authority” means the Capitol Area Development Authority created by the joint powers agreement executed pursuant to Section 8169.4 by the Director of General Services of the State of California and the Mayor of the City of Sacramento on July 1, 1978.

Source: Section 8180, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 8180’s source at