CA Gov't Code Section 7507


For the purpose of this section:


“Actuary” means an actuary who is an associate or fellow of the Society of Actuaries.


“Future annual costs” includes, but is not limited to, annual dollar changes, or the total dollar changes involved when available, as well as normal cost and any change in accrued liability.


(1)Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Legislature and local legislative bodies, including community college district governing boards, when considering changes in retirement benefits or other postemployment benefits, shall secure the services of an actuary to provide a statement of the actuarial impact upon future annual costs, including normal cost and any additional accrued liability, before authorizing changes in public retirement plan benefits or other postemployment benefits.


The requirements of this subdivision do not apply to:


An annual increase in a premium that does not exceed 3 percent under a contract of insurance.


A change in postemployment benefits, other than pension benefits, mandated by the state or federal government or made by an insurance carrier in connection with the renewal of a contract of insurance.


(1)(A)With regard to local legislative bodies, including community college district governing boards, the future costs of changes in retirement benefits or other postemployment benefits, as determined by the actuary, shall be made public at a public meeting at least two weeks prior to the adoption of any changes in public retirement plan benefits or other postemployment benefits. If the future costs of the changes exceed one-half of 1 percent of the future annual costs, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), of the existing benefits for the legislative body, an actuary shall be present to provide information as needed at the public meeting at which the adoption of a benefit change shall be considered. The adoption of any benefit to which this section applies shall not be placed on a consent calendar.


The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to:


An annual increase in a premium that does not exceed 3 percent under a contract of insurance.


A change in postemployment benefits, other than pension benefits, mandated by the state or federal government or made by an insurance carrier in connection with the renewal of a contract of insurance.


With regard to the Legislature, the future costs as determined by the actuary shall be made public at the policy and fiscal committee hearings to consider the adoption of any changes in public retirement plan benefits or other postemployment benefits. The adoption of any benefit to which this section applies shall not be placed on a consent calendar.


Upon the adoption of any benefit change to which this section applies, the person with the responsibilities of a chief executive officer in an entity providing the benefit, however that person is denominated, shall acknowledge in writing that he or she understands the current and future cost of the benefit as determined by the actuary. For the adoption of benefit changes by the state, this person shall be the Director of Human Resources.


The requirements of this section do not apply to a school district or a county office of education, which shall instead comply with requirements regarding public notice of, and future cost determination for, benefit changes that have been enacted to regulate these entities. These requirements include, but are not limited to, those enacted by Chapter 1213 of the Statutes of 1991 and by Chapter 52 of the Statutes of 2004.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 7507’s source at