CA Gov't Code Section 66439


Dedications of, or offers to dedicate interests in, real property for specified public purposes shall be made by a statement on the final map, signed and acknowledged by those parties having any record title interest in the real property being subdivided, subject to the provisions of Section 66436.


In the event any street shown on a final map is not offered for dedication, the statement may contain a declaration to this effect. If the statement appears on the final map and if the map is approved by the legislative body, the use of the street or streets by the public shall be permissive only.


An offer of dedication of real property for street or public utility easement purposes shall be deemed not to include any public utility facilities located on or under the real property unless, and only to the extent that, an intent to dedicate the facilities is expressly declared in the statement.


(1)If a subdivider is required under this division or any other provision of law to make a dedication for specified public purposes on a final map, the local agency shall specify whether the dedication is to be in fee for public purposes or an easement for public purposes.


If the dedication is required to be in fee for public purposes, the subdivider shall include the following language in the dedication clause on the final map or any separate instrument: “The real property described below is dedicated in fee for public purposes: (here insert a description of the dedicated property that is adequate to convey the property).”


If the dedication is required to be an easement for public purposes, the subdivider shall include the following language in the dedication clause on the final map or any separate instrument: “The real property described below is dedicated as an easement for public purposes: (here insert a description of the easement that is adequate to convey the dedicated property).”
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 66439’s source at