CA Gov't Code Section 53388.7


The bonds may be issued if a majority of the voters voting on the proposition vote in favor of issuing the bonds.


If the voters approve the issuance of the bonds as provided by subdivision (a), the legislative body shall proceed with the issuance of the bonds by adopting a resolution which shall provide for all of the following:


The issuance of the bonds in one or more series.


The principal amount of the bonds, which shall be consistent with the amount specified in subdivision (b) of Section 53388.3.


The date the bonds shall bear.


The date of maturity of the bonds.


The denomination of the bonds.


The form of the bonds.


Any conversion privileges which the bonds shall carry.


The manner of execution of the bonds.


The medium of payment in which the bonds are payable.


The place or manner of payment and any requirements for registration of the bonds.


The terms of call or redemption, with or without premium.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 53388.7’s source at ca​.gov