CA Gov't Code Section 53066


Any city or county or city and county in the State of California may, pursuant to such provisions as may be prescribed by its governing body, authorize by franchise or license the construction of a community antenna television system. In connection therewith, the governing body may prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems advisable to protect the individual subscribers to the services of such community antenna television system.


The award of the franchise or license may be made on the basis of quality of service, rates to the subscriber, income to the city, county or city and county, experience and financial responsibility of the applicant plus any other consideration that will safeguard the local public interest, rather than a cash auction bid.


The maximum franchise fee for any franchise or license hereafter awarded pursuant to this section or pursuant to any ordinance adopted under authority of this section by any city or county or city and county shall be 5 percent of the grantee’s gross receipts from its operations within such city or county or city and county. Intrastate telecommunications services subject to taxation under Part 22 (commencing with Section 44000) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall not be included, prior to July 1, 1988, in the gross receipts subject to any cable television franchise fee.


Any cable television franchise or license awarded by a city or county or city and county pursuant to this section may authorize the grantee thereof to place wires, conduits and appurtenances for the community antenna television system along or across such public streets, highways, alleys, public properties, or public easements of said city or county or city and county. Public easements, as used in this section, shall include but shall not be limited to any easement created by dedication to the city or county or city and county for public utility purposes or any other purpose whatsoever.


No person may commence the construction of a cable television system without a franchise or license granted by the city, county, or city and county in which the cable television system will operate.

Source: Section 53066, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 53066’s source at