CA Gov't Code Section 3312

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the employer of a public safety officer may not take any punitive action against an officer for wearing a pin or displaying any other item containing the American flag, unless the employer gives the officer written notice that includes all of the following:


A statement that the officer’s pin or other item violates an existing rule, regulation, policy, or local agency agreement or contract regarding the wearing of a pin, or the displaying of any other item, containing the American flag.


A citation to the specific rule, regulation, policy, or local agency agreement or contract that the pin or other item violates.


A statement that the officer may file an appeal against the employer challenging the alleged violation pursuant to applicable grievance or appeal procedures adopted by the department or public agency that otherwise comply with existing law.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 3312’s source at