CA Gov't Code Section 31904

“County peace officers” includes:


All sheriffs, undersheriffs, chief deputy sheriffs, jailers, turnkeys, deputy sheriffs, bailiffs, process servers, constables, deputy constables, motorcycle officers, its heads and assistant heads of all divisions of the sheriff’s office, and all their regularly appointed deputies. Clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers, and other employees who may have been appointed as deputy sheriffs but who do not perform the duties of any of the peace officers enumerated and honorary deputy sheriffs or other persons holding appointments as deputy sheriffs who receive no compensation therefor and who do not regularly perform particular official duties are not included.


All county foresters, county fire wardens, deputy or assistant county foresters, deputy or assistant county fire wardens, heads and assistant heads of all divisions of any county forester’s or county fire warden’s department, and all fire apparatus engineers, fire prevention inspectors, forest firemen, fire patrolmen, fire observers and foremen assigned to fire suppression crews, and all other personnel not specifically excluded, who are assigned to fire prevention and suppression in any county forester’s or county fire warden’s department, and the officers, engineers, and firemen of any county fire protection district, and all other personnel not specifically excluded, who are assigned to fire prevention and suppression in any county fire protection district. Clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers, cooks, laborers, county fire protection district volunteer employees or persons who are not employed for full time duty, or other employees not performing the duties of any of the persons enumerated and any honorary deputy county fire warden or honorary deputy county forester, or voluntary fire warden holding appointment as such but receiving no compensation therefor and not regularly performing particular official duties are not included.

Source: Section 31904, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 31904’s source at