CA Gov't Code Section 31010

The board of supervisors of any county may by resolution establish and provide funds for the operation of a municipal advisory council for any unincorporated area in the county to advise the board on such matters which relate to that area as may be designated by the board concerning services which are or may be provided to the area by the county or other local governmental agencies, including but not limited to advice on matters of public health, safety, welfare, public works, and planning. Unless the board of supervisors specifically provides to the contrary, a municipal advisory council may represent the community to any state, county, city, special district or school district, agency or commission, or any other organization on any matter concerning the community. The board may pay from available funds such actual and necessary expenses of travel, lodging, and meals for the members of the council while on such official business as may be approved by the board. The resolution establishing any such municipal advisory council shall provide for the following:


The name of the municipal advisory council.


The qualifications, number, and method of selection of its members, whether by election or appointment.


Its designated powers and duties.


The unincorporated area or areas for which the municipal advisory council is established.


Whether the establishment of the council should be submitted to the voters and the method for such submission; provided that if an election is required pursuant to subdivision (b), such election shall be held at the same time as an election held pursuant to this subdivision.


Such other rules, regulations and procedures as may be necessary in connection with the establishment and operation of the municipal advisory council.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 31010’s source at