CA Gov't Code Section 29535

Within each county which is not within the jurisdiction of a statutorily created regional transportation planning agency or a council of governments, a local transportation commission shall be established and composed of three members appointed by the board of supervisors, three members appointed by the city selection committee of the county or by the city council in any county in which there is only one incorporated city, and, where applicable, three members appointed by a transit district and one member representing, collectively, the other transit operators in the county. However, in a county in which there are no incorporated cities, five members may be appointed to the commission by the board of supervisors. The appointments to the commission may include members of the board of supervisors, the city councils, the transit district, and other local transit operators. The appointing authority, for each regular member it appoints, may appoint an alternate member to serve in place of the regular member when the regular member is absent or disqualified from participating in a meeting of the commission. A local transportation commission may employ staff, enter into contracts, and conduct other activities necessary to fulfill its responsibilities as a regional transportation planning agency and local transportation commission.

Source: Section 29535, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 29535’s source at