CA Gov't Code Section 27755


At any hearing required by law to determine a person’s ability to pay court-related costs, such person shall have the right to be heard in person and to be represented by counsel, to present witnesses and other evidence, to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses, to have the evidence against him or her disclosed to him or her, and to have a written statement of the findings of the court. A defendant represented by counsel appointed by the court in the criminal proceedings shall be entitled to such representation at any hearing held pursuant to this section. If the court determines that such person has the ability to pay all or a part of the costs, the court may set the amount to be reimbursed and order him or her to pay that sum to the county in the manner in which the court believes reasonable and compatible with his or her financial ability. Failure of any such person who is not in custody to appear after proper notice for his or her financial evaluation before a county financial evaluation officer, or for this hearing, is a sufficient basis for an order directing the person to pay the full cost of his or her court-related costs as determined by the court. Proper notice to the person shall contain all of the following:


That he or she has a right to a statement of such cost as soon as it is available.


The person’s procedural rights under this section.


The time limit within which the person’s appearance is required.


A warning that if the person fails to appear before the county financial evaluation officer, the county financial evaluation officer will recommend that the court order the person to pay such cost in full. The order to pay all or a part of such costs may be enforced in the manner provided for enforcement of money judgments generally, including any balance remaining unpaid at the end of the person’s probationary period, but may not be enforced by contempt unless otherwise provided for by law. Any order entered under this subdivision is subject to relief under the provisions of Section 473 of the Code of Civil Procedure.


As used in this section:


“Legal assistance” means legal counsel and supportive services including, but not limited to, medical and psychiatric examinations, investigative services, expert testimony and any other form of services provided to assist the person in the preparation and presentation of the person’s case.


“Ability to pay” means the overall capability of the person to reimburse the costs, or a portion of the costs involved and shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:


The person’s present financial position.


The person’s reasonably discernible future financial position. In no event shall the court consider a period of more than six months from the date of the hearing or evaluation, whichever is applicable, for purposes of determining the person’s reasonably discernible future financial position. Unless the court finds unusual circumstances, a defendant sentenced to state prison shall be determined not to have a reasonably discernible future financial ability to reimburse the costs involved, and need not be referred to the county financial evaluation officer for a financial evaluation.


The likelihood that the person shall be able to obtain employment within a six-month period from the date of the hearing or evaluation, whichever is applicable.


Any other factor or factors which may bear upon the person’s financial capability to reimburse the county for the costs involved.


If the court determines that the person has the ability to pay all or a part of the cost, the court shall set the amount to be reimbursed and order the person to pay the sum to the county in a manner in which the court believes reasonable and compatible with the person’s financial ability. Failure of a person who is not in custody to appear at the evaluation or the hearing after due notice is sufficient grounds for an order directing the person to pay the amount of such costs as determined by the court. The order to pay all or a part of the costs may be enforced in the manner provided for enforcement of money judgments generally, but may not be enforced by contempt. An order entered pursuant to this subdivision is subject to relief under Section 473 of the Code of Civil Procedure.


At any time during the pendency of the judgment rendered according to the terms of this section, a person against whom a judgment has been rendered may petition the rendering court to modify or vacate said judgment on the grounds of a change in circumstances with regard to the person’s ability to pay the judgment. The court shall advise the person of this right at the time it renders the judgment.

Source: Section 27755, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 27755’s source at