CA Gov't Code Section 27585


For the limited purpose of financing the survey monument preservation fund pursuant to Section 27584, the board may impose a user fee, not to exceed ten dollars ($10), or an amount set pursuant to Section 54985, which shall be charged and collected by the county recorder, over and above any other fees required by law, as a condition precedent to the filing or recording of any grant deed conveying real property. Grant deeds conveying lots created by recorded tract maps shall be exempt from the user fee. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), the fees shall be forwarded monthly by the county recorder to the county treasurer for deposit to the county survey monument preservation fund. Following the establishment of the fund, the board of supervisors may extinguish the fund if a finding is made by the board that the need for the fund no longer exists.


Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or (c), if a city engineer of a city with a population of more than 1,500,000 persons conducts the survey pursuant to Section 27584, any user fees collected pursuant to subdivision (a) on and after January 1, 1987, with respect to any grant deed conveying real property located wholly within the city shall be transferred monthly by the county recorder to the city treasurer of the city to reimburse the city for the expenses incurred by the city engineer in conducting that survey.


Notwithstanding Section 2231 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), no funds collected by the county recorder for the survey monument preservation fund shall be transferred to, or deposited in, any other fund or used for any other purpose.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 27585’s source at