CA Gov't Code Section 26393

The proceeds from the sale of all bonds authorized under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of a bond fund or enterprise fund, one of which the treasurer is hereby directed to establish for the particular project for which the bonds were authorized. These moneys shall be disbursed on the order of the board in the same manner that other moneys are disbursed from the county treasury solely for the construction of the particular project for which the bonds were authorized, including preliminary reports, surveys, preparations, plans and specifications and for the payment of all other costs and expenses prior to and during construction, including the acquisition of necessary rights of way, easements, lands and other property of every kind and description and appurtenances thereto, and the payment of all expenses, engineering and administrative costs as provided by the board in the proceedings for the issuance of such bonds.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 26393’s source at ca​.gov