CA Gov't Code Section 23381

The board of supervisors of any proposed county shall provide suitable books and have transcribed from the records of the affected county or counties all parts thereof relating to or affecting the title to or property situate in the proposed county. When transcribed and certified the records shall have the same force and effect as original records. Compensation for services shall be fixed and allowed by the board of the proposed county at not to exceed eight cents ($0.08) a folio for transcribing. The recorder of each affected county shall compare the books of transcripts and attach to each volume a certificate under his seal of office of the correctness of the records copied. For the service of comparing he may charge not to exceed two cents ($0.02) a folio, and for each certificate, not to exceed twenty-five cents ($0.25).

Source: Section 23381, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 23381’s source at