CA Gov't Code Section 23158

The boundaries of Yuba County are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner at a point at the intersection of the center of the channel of Bear River with the center of the channel of Feather River, said point being 2100.00 feet south of a monument on the boundary line between the Counties of Yuba and Sutter, said monument being south 88° 40´ 32″ west and distant on said course 3990.00 feet from the southwest corner of Section 32, Township 13 North, Range 4 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; running thence north 2100.00 feet to said monument; thence north 12° 25´ 50″ east 5472.52 feet to a point which is south 89° 13´ 30″ west and distant on said course 2840.00 feet from the northwest corner of said Section 32; thence north 28° 05´ 20″ east 6041.67 feet to the northwest corner of Section 29 of said township and range; thence north 88° 40´ 30″ east along the north line of said Section 29, 2220.00 feet to a point which is south 88° 36´ 20″ west and distant on said course 2878.20 feet from the intersection of said north line of Section 29 with the center line of the Sacramento Northern Railway, formerly known as the Northern Electric Railway, as said center line of the railway is laid down and delineated upon the official plat of Bear River Garden Subdivision No. 2 of record in Book 3 of Surveys, page 22, Sutter County Records; thence north 23° 01´ 36″ east, 7439.33 feet to a point on said center line of the Sacramento Northern Railway, which point is north 0° 16´ 30″ east and distant on said course 6780.00 feet from said intersection of the center line of the railway with the north line of said Section 29; thence south 86° 03´ 55″ east 5334.98 feet to a point which is north 0° 06´ 00″ west and distant on said course 3620.00 feet from a concrete monument at the southwest corner of Lot 25 of Bear River Garden Subdivision No. 2; thence north 47° 02´ 26″ east 6060.57 feet; thence north 82° 44´ 27″ east 830.00 feet to a point which is north 0° 05´ 33″ west and distant on said course 2488.27 feet from a concrete monument at the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Bear River Garden Subdivision No. 3; thence north 82° 44´ 27″ east 3582.00 feet; thence north 10° 52´ 00″ east 938.34 feet; thence north 54° 20´ 00″ east 641.00 feet; thence north 0° 04´ 00″ east 971.00 feet; thence north 37° 17´ 00″ east 715.00 feet; thence south 42° 50´ 00″ east 692.00 feet; thence south 81° 50´ 00″ east 118.00 feet to a point which is north 0° 13´ 30″ west and distant on said course 2504.99 feet from the southwest corner of Section 12 of said township and range; thence south 81° 50´ 00″ east 142.03 feet; thence north 15° 52´ 10″ east 570.02 feet; thence north 60° 01´ 10″ east 245.08 feet; thence north 69° 24´ 50″ east 799.71 feet; thence north 70° 09´ 50″ east 283.24 feet; thence south 76° 42´ 25″ east 691.78 feet; thence south 78° 32´ 50″ east 493.68 feet; thence south 70° 42´ 40″ east 794.33 feet; thence north 80° 36´ 30″ east 450.13 feet; thence north 58° 30´ 50″ east 529.14 feet; thence north 68° 57´ 10″ east 993.96 feet to a point which is north 0° 03´ 30″ west and distant on said course 3390.71 feet from the southeast corner of said Section 12; thence north 69° 57´ 40″ east 774.51 feet; thence north 44° 02´ 50″ east 650.79 feet; thence north 60° 57´ 20″ east 617.99 feet; thence north 71° 37´ 20″ east 974.27 feet; thence north 78° 44´ 50″ east 925.30 feet; thence south 76° 01´ 50″ east 1301.54 feet to a point which is north 0° 46´ 00″ west and distant on said course 4763.20 feet from the southwest corner of Section 8, Township 13 North, Range 5 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; thence south 76° 20´ 00″ east 205.00 feet; thence south 88° 35´ 00″ east 527.00 feet; thence south 70° 20´ 00″ east 251.00 feet; thence south 43° 50´ 00″ east 867.00 feet; thence south 35° 05´ 00″ east 500.00 feet; thence south 55° 20´ 00″ east 169.00 feet; thence south 58° 20´ 00″ east 428.00 feet; thence north 39° 25´ 35″ east 816.05 feet; thence south 70° 50´ 00″ east 1365.00 feet; thence north 65° 40´ 00″ east 435.00 feet; thence south 77° 20´ 00″ east 270.00 feet; thence north 72° 50´ 04″ east 555.45 feet to a point which is north 0° 00´ 39″ west and distant on said course 3646.71 feet from the southeast corner of said Section 8; thence north 73° 05´ 51″ east 1379.31 feet; thence north 22° 11´ 28″ east 231.36 feet; thence north 88° 05´ 00″ east 352. 00 feet; thence north 73° 45´ 00″ east 300.00 feet; thence north 45° 10´ 00″ west 448.00 feet; thence north 7° 50´ 00″ east 101.00 feet; thence north 50° 05´ 00″ east 257.00 feet; thence north 77° 53´ 08″ east 584.63 feet; thence north 23° 20´ 00″ east 472.00 feet; thence north 65° 30´ 00″ east 190.00 feet; thence south 30° 00´ 00″ east 405.00 feet; thence north 54° 00´ 00″ east 441.00 feet; thence north 36° 45´ 00″ east 515.00 feet; thence north 63° 30´ 00″ east 438.00 feet; thence north 66° 24´ 35″ east 729.53 feet; thence north 40° 30´ 00″ east 386.00 feet; and thence south 86° 00´ 00″ east 217.00 feet to a point on the east line of Section 4 of said Township 13 North, Range 5 East, said point being north 0° 16´ 05″ west and distant on said course 1343.08 feet from the southeast corner of said Section 4, and said point being the corner common to Sutter and Placer Counties on the southerly line of Yuba County; thence easterly upstream along the centerline of the original or old channel of Bear River as said channel was established by official government meander line surveys prior to 1870, of record in the office of the United States Surveyor General for the State of California, to the southwesterly corner of Nevada County, said corner being a point in the center of said channel of Bear River which point is south of the point of intersection of the centerline of the main channel of Yuba River with the centerline of the channel of Deer Creek; thence north to said point of intersection of the main channel of Yuba River with the centerline of Deer Creek; thence northeasterly upstream along said centerline of the main channel of Yuba River to the intersection of said centerline of the main channel of Yuba River with the centerline of the channel of the Middle Yuba River; thence northeasterly and easterly upstream, along said centerline of the channel of the Middle Yuba River 10 miles to the southwesterly corner of Sierra County; thence northerly along the boundary line between Yuba and Sierra Counties in a direct line to Cuteye Foster’s Bar on the North Yuba River, thence northwesterly downstream along the centerline of the channel of said North Yuba River to the intersection of said centerline of North Yuba River with the centerline of Big Cannon Creek, also known as Cannon Creek; thence northeasterly upstream along said centerline of the channel of Big Cannon Creek four miles; thence northerly in a direct line to the corner common to Yuba and Sierra Counties on the southeasterly line of Plumas County in the center of Slate Creek; thence southwesterly along said southeasterly line of Plumas County in a direct line to the corner common to Plumas, Butte and Yuba Counties situated in the northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 20 North, Range 8 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian and indicated by a large spruce tree standing in front of Buckeye House; thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of Section 16 of said Township and range last named; thence westerly along the south line of said Section 16 and along the south line of Section 17 of said last named township and range to the quarter section corner between said Section 17 and Section 20 of said last named township and range; thence southerly along the line dividing said Section 20 and Section 29 of said last named township and range into east and west halves to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 29; thence westerly along the south line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29 and along the south line of the northwest quarter of said northwest quarter of Section 29 to the southwest corner of said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29; thence southerly along the west line of said Section 29 to the quarter section corner between said Section 29 and Section 30 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the line dividing said Section 30 and Section 25 of Township 20 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian into north and south halves to the center of said Section 25; thence southerly along the line dividing said Section 25 into east and west halves to the quarter section corner between said Section 25 and Section 36 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the north line of said Section 36 to the northwest corner of said Section 36; thence southerly along the west line of said Section 36 and along the west line of Section 1 of Township 19 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, to the southwest corner of said Section 1; thence westerly along the north line of Section 11 of said last named township and range to the quarter section corner between said Section 11 and Section 2 of said last named township and range; thence southerly to the center of said Section 11; thence westerly along the line dividing said Section 11 and Section 10 of said last named township and range into north and south halves to the quarter section corner between said Section 10 and Section 9 of said last named township and range; thence northerly along the east line of said Section 9 to the northeast corner of said Section 9; thence westerly along the north line of said Section 9 and the north lines of Sections 8 and 7 of said last named township and range to the northwest corner of said Section 7; thence southerly along the west line of said Section 7 to the southwest corner of said Section 7; thence westerly along the southerly line of Sections 12 and 11 of Township 19 North, Range 6 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian to the southwest corner of said Section 11; thence northerly along the west line of said Section 11 to the quarter section corner between said Section 11 and Section 10 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the line dividing said Section 10 and Section 9 of said last named township and range into north and south halves to the center of said Section 9; thence southerly along the line dividing said Section 9 and Section 16 of said last named township and range into east and west halves to the quarter section corner between said Section 16 and Section 21 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the north line of said Section 21 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 21; thence southerly along the east line of said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 21, the east line of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 21 and the east line of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 21 to the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 21; thence westerly along the south line of said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 21 to the southwest corner of said northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 21; thence southerly along the west line of said Section 21 and Section 28 of said last named township and range, to the quarter section corner between said Section 28 and Section 29 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the line dividing said Section 29 into north and south halves to the center of said Section 29; thence southerly along the line dividing said Section 29 into east and west halves to the quarter section corner between said Section 29 and Section 32 of said last named township and range; thence westerly along the north line of said Section 32 to the northwest corner of said Section 32; thence southerly along the west line of said Section 32 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 31 of said last named township and range; thence westerly to the northwest corner of said southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 31; thence southerly along the west line of said southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 31, the west line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 31 and the west line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 31 to the south line of said Section 31; thence westerly along said south line of Section 31 to the intersection of said south line of Section 31 with the center line of the channel of Honcut Creek; thence southwesterly down stream along the center line of the channel of Honcut Creek, following the meanderings thereof as said channel is shown on the map entitled, “Map of Re-Survey of Part of the Line between the Counties of Butte and Yuba Cal. following Line of Honcut Creek as established by Westcoatt and Henning in 1859, surveyed in the Month of November 1901 by orders of the Boards of Supervisors of the Counties of Butte and Yuba by Jason R. Meek County Surveyor Yuba County B. L. McCoy, County Surveyor Butte County,” to the intersection of said center of the channel of Honcut Creek with the center line of the channel of Feather River; thence southerly along the center line of the channel of Feather River following the meanderings thereof as said channel was established by official government meander line surveys prior to 1870, of record in the Office of the United States Surveyor General for the State of California to the point of beginning.

Source: Section 23158, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 23158’s source at