CA Gov't Code Section 23144

The boundaries of Santa Cruz County are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of San Mateo, at a point in the Pacific Ocean south 45 degrees W., three nautical miles from the intersection of the east line of Rancho Punta del Año Nuevo with said ocean, forming the western corner; thence north, 45 degrees E., to said point of intersection; thence northerly, following the eastern line of said rancho, to its intersection with the south line of T. 8 S., R. 4 W., M. D. B. & M.; thence east to the southeast corner of said township; thence north to the northeast corner of Sec. 25 of said township; thence east to the northeast corner of Sec. 26, T. 8 S., R. 3 W.; thence north to a 712″ x 712″ tapered sandstone monument on the common boundary between San Mateo County and Santa Clara County and at the most northern point on Santa Cruz County, from which a 5″ x 5″ concrete monument at the corners of Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T-7-S, R-3-W, M.D.B.& M. bears North 0° 01´ 30″ East 56. 40 feet distant; running thence from said point of beginning due EAST 20 feet, more or less, to the western boundary of the State Highway Route 55-A as shown and delineated on plans approved by the District Engineer on February 27, 1928; thence along said western boundary southerly to Saratoga Gap; thence continuing along the western boundary of State Highway Route 55-A, as shown and delineated on plans approved by the District Engineer on November 28, 1932, to a point just south of Black Road; thence crossing said State Highway 55-A easterly to the eastern side of State Highway 55-A; thence southeasterly to the eastern side of a road, 40 feet in width, known as Summit Road, adopted as a public highway on March 5, 1889 and on file in Volume 6 at Page 191 Supervisors Records of Santa Cruz County, also on file in the Office of County Surveyor of Santa Cruz County as Viewers Report Road #82; thence along the easterly side of said Summit Road in a southerly and easterly direction to the western side of State Highway #17 (5-B); thence southerly along the western side of said State Highway #17 (5-B) to a station due WEST from the intersection of the northeastern side of Summit Road, as declared a public highway on March 5, 1899, with the southeastern boundary of said State Highway #17 (5-B); thence due EAST to the northeastern side of the aforesaid Summit Road; thence southeasterly along the northeastern side of the aforesaid Summit Road, to the western boundary of the lands conveyed by Carmella A. Peacock to the Loma Prieta Civil Defense Fire Team by deed recorded August 28, 1968 in Volume 1901 at Page 168, Official Records of Santa Cruz County; thence along the western boundary of said last named lands northerly to a point on the southerly line of Summit Road, as shown and delineated on Plan and Profile of Federal Aide Secondary Project No. S-616 (2) approved June 25, 1951; thence along the southerly and southwesterly side of said Summit Road, as shown and delineated as aforesaid, to a station on the southeastern side of the old Santa Cruz-Los Gatos Highway known as Old State Route 55; thence northeasterly along said Old State Route 55 to the northeastern side of the aforesaid Summit Road F.A.S. Project No. S-616 (2); thence along the northeastern side of Summit Road, as aforesaid, and continuing along the northeastern side of Summit Road as shown and delineated on the Plan and Profile for Federal Aid Secondary Project 81-A as approved February 27, 1939 as Santa Cruz-Santa Clara Feeder Highway, in a southeasterly direction to the northwestern side of Loma Prieta Avenue, as said avenue was adopted as a public highway, 40 feet in width, in Viewers Report #122 and recorded April 7, 1891 in Book 7 Page 4 of Supervisors Records of Santa Cruz County (Note: This point will fall somewhere between Stations 2 and 3 as located by T. W. Wright, County Surveyor of Santa Cruz County, in his survey of November 1890 recorded in Viewer’s Report #122); thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern side of said Loma Prieta Avenue to T. W. Wright’s November 1890 Survey Station 90 which was Station 45 on what was known as the East Summit Road and adopted as a public highway 40 feet in width in Viewer’s Report #122; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly side of said road to approximately Station 55 and a point on the northwestern boundary of the lands of Pellisi as shown and delineated on that record of survey map recorded August 26, 1964 in Book 42 of Maps Page 19, Records of Santa Cruz County and Book 184, Pages 30, 31 and 32 Records of Santa Clara County; thence leaving East Summit Road northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the aforesaid lands of Pellisi to the most northern corner thereof; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the aforesaid lands of Pellisi and said line produced, and being the southwest boundary of lands of the San Jose Water Works to its intersection with the northwest boundary of Lot 1 of the Soquel Augmentation Rancho; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the aforesaid Lot 1 to the northeastern side of East Summit Road, a public highway 40.00 feet in width, near Sta 135 of T. W. Wright’s survey of East Summit Road in November 1890; thence continuing southeasterly along the northeastern side of East Summit Road to a station north of T. W. Wright’s 1890 Survey Station 248, the section corner common to Sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, T-10-S, R-1-E, M.D.B.& M. bears South 23°20´ East 363 links distant from said Station 248 and this being the end of the public highway adopted in Viewer’s Report #122; thence crossing the end of the public highway East Summit Road in a southerly direction to a point 30.00 feet southwest of the average center line of an existing fire control road; thence continuing southeasterly on a line 30.00 feet southwest of the average center line of an existing fire control road approximately 4 miles to the southwest side of a road, 100.00 feet in width, called Summit Road, Right of Way Map Job No. 39-11 on file in the Office of the County Surveyor of Santa Cruz County under File No. E 405-2.1,.2,.3,.4; thence along the southwesterly side of said Summit Road southeasterly to Mount Madonna Road; thence on the produced southwesterly side line of Summit Road across Mount Madonna to the boundary of the lands conveyed by M. E. Thomas (a single woman) to the County of Santa Clara by deed dated April 3, 1930 and recorded in Volume 179 at Page 138 Official Records of Santa Cruz County, said lands being generally known as Mount Madonna Park; thence in a counter clockwise direction along the boundary of said lands conveyed by Thomas to County of Santa Clara, as aforesaid, until the southeastern boundary reaches the summit of the mountain; thence southerly along the summit of the mountain to the eastern side of Hecker Pass Road now known as State Highway 32-A; thence southerly along the eastern side of Hecker Pass Road 450 feet, more or less, to the northern side of a right of way, 24 feet wide, and known as Belle Vista Lane; thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern side of Bella Vista Lane to the northwestern boundary of lands conveyed by Ralph A. Robinson et ux to Frank L. Kellog, et ux, by deed recorded October 5, 1945 in Volume 506 at Page 412 Official Records of Santa Cruz County; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of said lands of Kellog and the produced line thereof to the northeastern boundary of that certain strip of land 5.00 chains in width, described in the Decree Quieting Title, Case No. 36741 and recorded May 20, 1932 in Volume 225 at Page 358 Official Records of Santa Cruz County; thence continuing southerly along the easterly boundary of the last named strip of land, 5.00 chains in width, to the most southern end of said strip; thence southwesterly to the summit of the mountain; thence continuing southerly along the summit of the mountain along or through the lands of Fletcher, Chase, Marinovich, Kelly and Chamberlain Land Company to the southeasterly boundary of that certain 600 acres, plus or minus, parcel of land described on Pages 519, 520, and 521 in the deed from Joseph P. Chamberlain and Nan C. Chamberlain, his wife, to Chamberlain Land Company by deed dated November 8, 1956 and recorded in Book 3688, at Paged 519 to 533 Records of Santa Clara County; thence easterly along said last named boundary to the eastern boundary of the Salsipuedes Rancho; thence northerly along said rancho boundary to the intersection of the northern boundary of Section 34, T-11-S, R-3-E, M.D.B.& M.; thence southeasterly on a straight line to the western quarter corner of Section 35, T-11-S, R-3-E; thence southeasterly, on a straight line to the southern quarter corner of said Section 35 on the township line between T-11-S and T-12-S; thence easterly on said township line to the north quarter corner of Section 1, T-12-S, R-3-E; thence southerly, on a straight line to the quarter corner at the center of said Section 1; thence easterly on a straight line to the eastern quarter corner of the aforesaid Section 1 on the range line between R-3-E and R-4-E; thence southerly on said range line between R-3-E and R-4-E to the Pajaro River and the boundary of San Benito County; thence westerly along said river, on the northern line of San Benito and Monterey, to the Bay of Monterey, and three miles westerly into the ocean, forming the southwest corner; thence northwesterly along a course three nautical miles distant from the shore to the point of beginning.

Source: Section 23144, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 23144’s source at