CA Gov't Code Section 23129

The boundaries of Nevada County are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner, at a point in the main Yuba River, at the mouth of Deer Creek; thence up the main Yuba to the mouth of the middle Yuba; thence up the latter to the mouth of the south fork thereof; thence up the south fork to the Bent monument situated at the falls of said south fork, in the NW. 14 of Sec. 10, T. 18 N., R. 13 E., M. D. B. & M., and being 1,000 feet, or thereabouts, southwest from the quarter-section corner between Secs. 3 and 10, township and range aforesaid; thence to the eastern line of the State, all on the southeastern and southern lines of Yuba and Sierra; then south, along the state line to the northeast corner of Placer; thence westerly, on the northern line of Placer to the source of Bear River; thence down Bear River, to a point south of the junction of Deer Creek and the main Yuba, forming the southwest corner; thence north, to the place of beginning.

Source: Section 23129, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 23129’s source at