If no deficiencies that require clarification by a local or regional entity are identified in the preaward audit for a local or regional project that is included in an adopted state transportation improvement program, the department and the local or regional entity shall execute an agreement to transfer funds for the project within 90 days from the date on which the commission approves an allocation for the project.(b)
Notwithstanding Section 7550.5, on July 1, 2000, and annually thereafter, the department shall compile information and report to the Legislature on the number of projects for which an agreement to transfer funds under subdivision (a) was executed and on all projects for which an agreement was not executed within the period provided under subdivision (a) and the reasons therefor. The information provided by the department shall include a description of any actions taken by the department during the prior fiscal year to streamline, expedite, and simplify the department’s process for executing the agreements to transfer funds required under subdivision (a).
Section 14529.19, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=GOV§ionNum=14529.19.