To resolve local transportation problems resulting from the infeasibility of planned state transportation facilities on State Highway Route 84 in the Cities of Fremont and Union City, the cities or the county in which the planned facilities were to be located, acting jointly with the transportation planning agency having jurisdiction over the cities or county, may develop and file with the commission a local alternative transportation improvement program that addresses transportation problems and opportunities in the county that were to be served by the planned facilities. Priorities for funding in the local alternative program shall go to projects in the local voter-approved transportation sales tax measure.(b)
The commission shall have the final authority regarding the content and approval of the local alternative transportation improvement program. The commission shall not approve any local alternative transportation improvement program submitted under this section after July 1, 2010.(c)
All proceeds from the sale of the excess properties, less any reimbursements due to the federal government and all costs incurred in the sale of those excess properties, shall be allocated by the commission to fund the approved local alternative transportation improvement program and shall not be subject to Sections 188 and 188.8 of the Streets and Highways Code. The proceeds shall be used only for state highway purposes or for projects in the local alternative transportation improvement program that are also in the local voter-approved transportation sales tax measure, subject to approval by the department.(d)
“Excess properties” means those properties acquired to construct a new alignment for State Highway Route 84 in the Cities of Fremont and Union City, a portion of which project is no longer planned to be constructed.
Section 14528.55, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=GOV§ionNum=14528.55.