CA Gov't Code Section 14453

The department’s role in this program shall be limited to research and development. The department shall consider the following guidelines in evaluating and selecting a site for a research and development center:


Sources of funding for the center, with the stipulation that the state’s funding share does not exceed one-third of the total costs of the center, with the remaining funds provided from local, federal, and private sources. The department shall seek to maximize private participation in the funding of a center, and state funds shall be expended only for facilities to be used by the state to be located on real property owned by the state, including acquisition of real property to be owned by the state in fee simple or pursuant to a lease-purchase contract.


Accessibility to the center by rail or bus service operating at frequency headways of not less than one-half hour during peak commute hours.


Other criteria to be used in the evaluation of a site for the center, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


The ability of the project to enhance environmental quality, including the dedication of open space for preservation of open space, wetlands, and other wildlife habitat.


The ability of the project to rely on existing infrastructure, including water and sewer hookups to existing systems and access by existing roads and transit systems, or alternatively, an assurance by the local jurisdiction or jurisdictions that an infrastructure development plan has been adopted which provides for the timely construction of necessary infrastructure and which is fully funded.


The extent to which the project will result in the least cost to public agencies, direct and indirect, including costs incurred by state and local agencies other than the department.


The extent to which the project provides a return on investment of public funds to public agencies.


Contracting for consultant services to assist it in selecting a site for a center.


Receiving and evaluating proposals for the center, to be ranked in priority order consistent with this section.


Not committing any state funds to the project other than for the development of a request for proposals and the evaluation of proposals received in response to the request, unless funds are specifically appropriated as a separate item in the annual Budget Act for the financing, planning, design, and construction of the center.


Construction of the center shall be subject to prevailing wage laws and minority enterprise and women business enterprise participation laws applicable to the department’s highway construction projects.

Source: Section 14453, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14453’s source at