CA Gov't Code Section 14201

Every state agency shall review its work operations to determine where in its organization telecommuting can be of practical benefit to the agency. On or before July 1, 1995, each agency shall develop and implement a telecommuting plan as part of its telecommuting program in work areas where telecommuting is identified as being both practical and beneficial to the organization. Agencies that participated in the experimental studies described in Section 15276 may continue and expand those telecommuting programs in accordance with the policy, procedures, and guidelines developed by the Department of General Services in conjunction with those participating agencies. Those agencies not having participated in the initial experimental studies described in Section 15276 may comply with the policy, procedures, and guidelines developed by the Department of General Services in conjunction with a multiagency group that participated in those studies.

Source: Section 14201, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14201’s source at