A person may apply to an agency for a declaratory decision as to the applicability to specified circumstances of a statute, regulation, or decision within the primary jurisdiction of the agency.(b)
The agency in its discretion may issue a declaratory decision in response to the application. The agency shall not issue a declaratory decision if any of the following applies:(1)
Issuance of the decision would be contrary to a regulation adopted under this article.(2)
The decision would substantially prejudice the rights of a person who would be a necessary party and who does not consent in writing to the determination of the matter by a declaratory decision proceeding.(3)
The decision involves a matter that is the subject of pending administrative or judicial proceedings.(c)
An application for a declaratory decision is not required for exhaustion of the applicant’s administrative remedies for purposes of judicial review.
Section 11465.20, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=GOV§ionNum=11465.20.